Will Chamberlain's Vermont

News and Commentary about Vermont from Yesteryear

Location: Vermont, United States

Monday, March 06, 2006

CO Teacher: "America Should Be Bombed"

How strange the modern world is. I have heard and read of the geography teacher in Aurora, Colorado, who was bashing the current President of the United States in a lengthy diatribe. Here's more on the story from Moonbattery.com.


It seems the geography teacher, Jay Bennish could use a lesson on geography, seemingly due to his lack of actually speaking on the topic he is suppose to have sufficient expertise, which is geography. Curiously, this story is yet to reach the print press of our beloved state.

I wonder why a teacher from Colorado, who dismissed the existence of the Holocaust, claiming that Israel was founded solely by the support of the U.S. and the "Zionist Movement", hasn't found its way to Vermont. Could Vermont have its own crew of the anti-American "blame America first" crowd having its way with our children in the classroom? Mr. Bennish even goes so far as to encourage the bombing of America by Iran and other prominent American enemies.

Listen to Mr. Bennishs' "thoughts" on history, current affairs, and politics. You'll be hard-pressed to find any geography being discussed. Click on link and then on the audio.



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