Will Chamberlain's Vermont

News and Commentary about Vermont from Yesteryear

Location: Vermont, United States

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sanders Going Up On T.V.


In a release today, Vermont Republican Party Chairman Jim Barnett today insisted that Congressman Bernard Sanders reveal where the balance of his $30,000 media buy was spent.

Sanders claims in today’s Bennington Banner that he has purchased $30,000 in airtime for his first run of television ads. However, public records indicate that Sanders paid only $13,668 for a $16,080 ad buy on WCAX.

Still unanswered is where the remaining $16,332 of the $30,000 buy was spent. Federal law requires immediate public disclosure for television and radio advertising for political candidates.

“Right now, there is a $16,000 gap in the facts,” said Barnett. “Congressman Sanders needs to explain where the rest of this money was spent.”

The 15 percent difference between $13,668 and $16,080 is the industry standard for commission to the media buyer. In this case, Sanders admits his wife, Jane, made the buy, but he claims it was on a volunteer basis.

However, during Sanders' 2002 and 2004 campaigns, Jane Sanders earned tens of thousands of dollars in commissions for similar ad buys, according to press reports.


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